URGENT: Schedule for the exam of HW-SW-CoDesign, Realtime-Systems and Systemprogramming


as already informed to you, in this semester all examination of my modules will be done in a oral way by using videoconference. The following table will give further details to you.

  • Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign: 28th of January, start: 10:00 am, jitsi.hs-anhalt.de/CoDesign
    Everybody of the class can join the videoconference.
  • Realtime-Systems: 2nd. of February, start from 8:00 am, jitsi.hs-anhalt.de/Realtimesystems
    Please reserve a timeslot for yor exam by using this link.
  • Systemprogramming: 5th of February, start from 8:00 am, jitsi.hs-anhalt.de/Systemprogramming
    Please reserve a timeslot for yor exam by using this link.

For those student, who were not be able to register the participation in one of the above exam in the HIS, we (Prof. Brutscheck and myself) expect urgently a complete formsheet of change of examination form, the academic integrity declaration and the registration formsheet to the exam. The form sheets can be donloaded from the start page of the HIS.

Good luck.

Ingo Chmielewski