for those students of our module HW-/SW-/CoDesign, who are dealing with the audio-processor, we prepared some vhdl-code to control the audio A/D-, D/A-Converter of the DE-board.
It is recommandable to proceed as follows:
- Download the code from here
- Study the code and try to make a simple blockdiagramm of just this code to understand the working
- Try to find a suitable interface for getting the PCM data for your implemenation and at which part of the code to pass the PCM data back to the D/A-Converter
- Try to put this code into operation by using the internal test-generator
- Try to make a so called loop-back, means all PCM data from input should be passed – without any processing – to the output
- Based on point 3. put your own code in between.
Do not forget to make a very detailed blockdiagramm of your processing with all width of bits and signal names.
Good luck.
Ingo Chmielewski        Michael Brutscheck