Info for the Module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign


we hope, that all of you are on a promising track to work on your project.

Nevertheless Prof. Brutscheck and myself like to offer you again a consultation to discuss details of your project work.

We like to make a videoconference as follows on 4th of Jan 2021:

  • 15:30 Uhr: Group KEYLOG by Prof. Brutscheck (
  • 15:30 Uhr: Group PONG by Prof. Chmielewski (
  • 16:00 Uhr: Group LABYRINTH (Maze) by Prof. Brutscheck (
  • 16:00 Uhr: Group TETRIS by Prof. Chmielewski (

Best regards

Ingo Chmielewski        Michael Brutscheck

PS: I promised in the last videoconference some links/tutorials about basics of FPGA programming. Actually there are so many videotutorials available, that I decided not to propose any favorite. You should simply look at the intel web-page a search for ‘FPGA’. You will find a lot of material there. In addition even Youtube is a good resource.