Prüfungsphase / Examination period WS 2023/2024

Hi, wir haben ihnen auf folgender Seite die Prüfungstermine für unsere Module zusammen gestellt. Bitte prüfen Sie die Terminlage und kontaktieren uns ggf., falls es hierbei zu Problemen/Überschneidungen kommen sollte. We have summarized the planned examination schedules of our modules on

Material for module Systemprogramming

Hi, as today explained, the entire lecture content is already explained to you. Please find attached the complete lecture material for download here. Best regards Ingo Chmielewski

Schedule for the week 18.12. – 22.12.23

Hi, for the actual week (18.12.2023 – 22.12.2023) I like to propose the following schedule for lectures/practical work: 19.12.23: Practical work Realtime-Systems/Systemprogramming in 3rd UE (12:30 Uhr) in 01/k32 for MET2 I like to check your progress/problems so far 20.12.23:

Additional material for HW-SW-CoDesign

Hi, as requested we like to give additional material for the LCD Touch panel for the module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign for your Semesterprojekt to you. Please find the following Downloads: LTM User Manual Disk with example applikation Good luck. BR Ingo Chmielewski 

Schedule for the week 11.12. – 15.12.23

Hi, for the actual week (11.12.2023 – 15.12.2023) I like to propose the following schedule for lectures/practical work: 12.12.23: From 3rd UE onward: Practical work Realtime-Systems/Systemprogramming in 01/k32 for MET2 Sorry, I will be not available, but Lab can be

Additional material for HW-/SW-/CoDesign

Hi, in addition to already distributed material, please find the introduction of the usage of development enviroment for the module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign. Lecture material for Download Best regards Ingo Chmielewski

Material for module Systemprogramming

Hi, as promised within todays lecture, I have prepared further exercises for the practical part of the module Systemprogramming: Part 7 Part 8/9 Good Luck. Ingo Chmielewski

Vorlesung via video für MEF “Realtime-Systems”

Hallo Zusammen, für die MEF Studenten des Moduls “Realtime-Systems” bin ich Ihnen noch einen Terminvorschlag für die Fortsetzung unserer Vorlesung schuldig. Der nächste Termin sollte der 14.12.2023 um 17:30 Uhr sein. Bitte bestätigen Sie mir diesen Termin per eMail, so

Schedule for week 4.12. – 8.12.23

Hi, for the actual week (04.12.2023 – 8.12.2023) I like to propose the following schedule for lectures/practical work: 05.12.23: Practical work Realtime-Systems/Systemprogramming in 3rd UE (12:30 Uhr) in 01/k32 for MET2 I like to check your progress/problems so far 05.12.23:

Homework for class MBE

Hi, as promised and discussed in todays lecture (30th of Nov.) I like to ask you to study and work on the homework of below described scenario. Bicycle sales system Please try to complete listed task till next lecture on