Info for the Modules Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, we like to offer again a videoconference on 14th of Jan. 2021 to you to clarify and discuss details of your project. 15:00 Uhr: Group KEYLOG by Prof. Brutscheck / Prof. Chmielewski ( 15:30 Uhr: Group LABYRINTH (Maze) by

Info for the Module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, we like to offer again a videoconference on 7th of Jan. 2021 to you to clarify and discuss details of your project. 15:30 Uhr: Group KEYLOG by Prof. Brutscheck / Prof. Chmielewski ( 16:00 Uhr: Group LABYRINTH (Maze) by

Info for the Module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, we hope, that all of you are on a promising track to work on your project. Nevertheless Prof. Brutscheck and myself like to offer you again a consultation to discuss details of your project work. We like to make

Info für das Modul HF-Technik MEF Fernstudium

Hallo Zusammen, es tut mir Leid, aber wir müssen kurzfristig unsere heute geplante Videokonferenz verschieben. Neuer Termin: Montag, 21.12.2020 um 16:30 Uhr (die Zugangsdaten bleiben gleich). Und noch etwas Anderes: Aus heutiger Sicht wird es sehr wahrscheinlich nicht möglich sein

Schedule change for the Module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, because of some urgent other ssues todays videoconference for Hardware-/Software-/Codesign will be shifted to coming Monday (21.12.2020). The schedule will be as follows: Individual group consultation by using videoconference: 15:30 Uhr: Group KEYLOG by Prof. Brutscheck ( 15:30 Uhr:

Praktikum Assembler-/Maschinenprogrammierung

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir haben uns dazu entschlossen, dass die letzte Praktikumsaufgabe “GPS-Tracker Teil 1” freiwillig absolviert werden kann. Als Belohnung wird bei richtiger Lösung Ihre vorraussichtliche Prüfungsnote um den Wert 0,3 verbessert (dies gilt nicht, wenn Sie bei

Urgent change for the Module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, because of a covid-19 case at our university department all members are requested to stop their presence at university and to go home. As a consequence todays videoconference for Hardware-/Software-/Codesign will be shifted to coming Monday (14.12.2020). The schedule

Info for the Modules Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign, Realtime-Systems and Systemprogramming

Hi, I propose the following schedule for this week: Systemprogramming / Realtime-Systems: Because of the fact, that most of the lecture content is already discussed, this week there will be no lecture. If you have any questions regarding the practical

Info for the Modules Systemprogramming, Hardware-/ Software-/CoDesign and Realtime Systems

Hi, because of the new regulations in respect to the corona situation,  I propose the following schedule for this week: 2.12.2020: 2nd UE (9:45 Uhr): Practical work of Systemprogramming and Realtime-Systems in 01/k31 and 01/k32 Beside the practical work, I

Lecture Material for Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, please find necessary material for the module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign for your reference. Lecture Presentation Folder with development enviroment and datasheets BR Ingo
