UPDATE: Info and material for HW-/SW-/CoDesign, Systemprogramming and Realtime-Systems

Hi, for this week I like to announce the following schedule for lectures: Realtime-Systems: 11.11.21 8:00 am (1st UE) in 01/322/2 Systemprogramming: 11.11.21 9:30 am (2nd UE) in 01/322/2 UPDATE: Systemprogramming lecture needs to be skipped, because urgent other matter.

Material zum Modul Mikrocontroller

Hallo Zusammen, wie in der letzten Woche zugesagt, finden Sie hiermit die aktualisierte Version des Skriptes zum Modul Mikrocomputer zum Download. VG Ingo Chmielewski

Info for the modules Systemprogramming, Realtime-Systems and HW-/SW-/CoDesign

Hi, for the modules Systemprogramming, Hardware-Software-CoDesign and Realtime-Systems, I like to give the following info/material to you. Video-material for viewing and for downloading (vlc player is recommended): Hardware-Software-CoDesign Systemprogramming Lecture-material: Hardware-Software-CoDesign Systemprogramming Realtime-System Next lecture schedule: Hardware-Software-CoDesign: 4.11.2021 4th unit

Info for the module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign

Hi, from tomorrow (28.10.2021) onward we will start regular lessons. Actually we like to invite the students, who are present in Köthen to the room 01/322-2 for the lecture of the module Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign. The lecture will start at 14:30 (4th

Info for the modules Systemprogramming and Realtime-Systems

Hi, for this week I like to announce the following schedule for lectures: Realtime-Systems: 28.10.21 8:00 am (1st UE) in 01/216 Systemprogramming: 28.20.21 9:30 am (2nd UE) in 01/322/2 Both lectures will be recorded and made to you available afterwards.

Info for the module Systemprogramming and Realtime-Systems

Hi, as promised to you, I recorded yesterdays and todays lecture of the modules Systemprogramming and Realtime-Systems. You can download/view them by using below link. If you download the videos and like to view lateron, I can recommend the open-source

Info for the module Realtime-Systems and Systemprogramming

Hi, it seems, that a lot of students can only participate the modules Realtime-Systems and Systemprogramming from remote so far. Therefore I decided to do the lecture part in a hybrid way. The schedule is as follows: Systemprogramming: Thursday (21.10.2021)

Material and Info for the modul HW/SW/CoDesign

Hi, thank you very much for todays videoconference. As promised to you, we will make the pre-examination questions via Download available to you. Please study the questions and tasks in detail. An intermediate check we intend to do next week

Material und Infos zum Modul Mikrocomputer

Hallo Zusammen, zum Modul Mikrocomputer stelle ich Ihnen hiermit den bisher behandelten teil des Vorlesungsskriptes als Download zur Verfügung. Im Lauf des Semesters werde ich weitere Teile des Skriptes für Sie als Download verfügbar machen. Noch zur Erinnerung: Die geplante

Material zum Modul Systemprogrammierung für MEF 2019

Hallo Zusammen, wie besprochen im Folgenden die in der Vorlesung angekündigte Skriptteile  Aufgaben zum praktischen Teil zum Herunterladen. Part 0 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Praktikumsaufgaben Teil 1-3 Viel Erfolg
