Vorlesungsskript für Modul Mikrocomputertechnik

Hallo Zusammen, für das Modul Mikrocomputertechnik gibt es ein Vorlesungsskript, welches ich hiermit zum Download zur Verfügung stelle. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Skript von Zeit zu Zeit verändert und mit Updates versehen wird. Viele Grüße Ingo Chmielewski

Material for the modules Realtime-Systems and Systemprogramming

Hi, this week the practical work in the laboratory for the modules Realtime-Systems and Systemprogramming will start. For this modules find the following material for download: Systemprogramming Realtime-Systems Good luck. Ingo Chmielewski  

Schedule of week 43 (24.10.-28.10.)

Hi, for this week from 24.10.2022 – 28.10.2022 I like to propose the following schedule for lectures and practical work of my modules: 26.10.22 2nd UE (10:00 Uhr) Realtime-Systems Lecture in 01/322/2 27.10.22 1st UE (8:00 Uhr) Realtime-Systems Practical work

Schedule of week 42 (17.10.-21.10.22)

Hi, this week (17.10.22-21.10.22) the following lectures will take place: 19.10.22 10:00 Uhr (2nd UE) Realtime-Systems in 01/216 20.10.22 10:00 Uhr (2nd UE) Systemprogramming in 01/k32 20.10.22 14:30 Uhr (4th UE) Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign (01/221) For the lecture Hardware-/Software-/CoDesign we will discuss

Willkommen zum WS2022/2023

Hallo Zusammen, ich wünsche allen Studenten meiner Module einen erfolgreichen Start ins neue Wintersemester mit vielen neuen Erkenntnissen und interessanten Erfahrungen. Aktuell werde ich im WS 2022/2023 unten aufgeführte Veranstaltungen anbieten. Wir bemühen uns alle Veranstaltungen in Präsenz anzubieten. Hierbei

Exam for the module Internetsecurity

Hi, the original schedule of the exam (presentation of the man-in-the-middle project) for the module Internetsecurity was planned on 29th of Sep. 2022. Because of personal reasons, we have to shift this date to the 11th and/or 18th of October

Exam for the module Software-Design

Hi, as explained in todays videoconference we will do the exam for the module Software-Design in the following way. Date: 20th of September 2022 Time: 10:00 am Location: 01/322/2 If you have not registered in the HIS so far, please

Info for the module Software-Design

Hi, I like to invite for a videoconference to give some more detailed infos about the exam of the module Software-Design. The actual schedule is to have the exam on 20th of September 2022. Please use this link for the

Material for module Software-Design

Hi, I worked further on the material for the module Software-Design. It is available for download here. Best regards Ingo Chmielewski

UPDATE: Lecture in cw 28

Hi, in dieser Woche 11.7.2022 – 15.7.2022 werde ich folgende Veranstaltungen durchführen. In this week the following lectures and practical work will take place. 13.7.2022 1st UE (8:00 Uhr) in 01/216: Lecture and summary Software-Design 13.7.2022 2nd UE (10:00 Uhr)
