first of all I like to wish a successful and friendly year to all of you.
For this week (9.1.-11.1.) I like to propose the following schedule for lectures and practical work.
9.1. 1st UE (k31): Continue Systemprogramming practical tasks for those, who have not finished yet.
9.1. 2nd UE (k31): Introduction of porting Realtime OS (Zephyr) to an Arduino device.
10.1. 1st UE, 2nd UE and 3rd UE (k31): Practical work Realtime-System (porting Zephyr).
10.1. 4th and 5th UE (01/221): Practical work Hardware-Software-CoDesign: M. Brutscheck and myself will check the progress of each group.
11.1. 1te UE (01/216): Ãœbungsklausur Maschinenprogrammierung/Assemblerprogrammierung.
Viel Erfolg für 2019.
Ingo Chmielewski