Drupal investigation



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release.

2.7.0 - 2016-02-11



  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • #20 makes the two zend-servicemanager extension manager implementations forwards compatible with version 3, and the overall code base forwards compatible with zend-stdlib v3.

2.6.0 - 2015-11-24


  • #13 introduces Zend\Feed\Writer\StandaloneExtensionManager, an implementation of Zend\Feed\Writer\ExtensionManagerInterface that has no dependencies. Zend\Feed\Writer\ExtensionManager now composes this by default, instead of Zend\Feed\Writer\ExtensionPluginManager, for managing the various feed and entry extensions. If you relied on ExtensionPluginManager previously, you will need to create an instance manually and inject it into the Writer instance.
  • #14 introduces:
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\HeaderAwareClientInterface, which extends ClientInterface and adds an optional argument to the get() method, array $headers = []; this argument allows specifying request headers for the client to send. $headers should have header names for keys, and the values should be arrays of strings/numbers representing the header values (if only a single value is necessary, it should be represented as an single value array).
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\HeaderAwareResponseInterface, which extends ResponseInterface and adds the method getHeader($name, $default = null). Clients may return either a ResponseInterface or HeaderAwareResponseInterface instance.
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\Response, which is an implementation of HeaderAwareResponseInterface. Its constructor accepts the status code, body, and, optionally, headers.
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\Psr7ResponseDecorator, which is an implementation of HeaderAwareResponseInterface. Its constructor accepts a PSR-7 response instance, and the various methdos then proxy to those methods. This should make creating wrappers for PSR-7 HTTP clients trivial.
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\ZendHttpClientDecorator, which decorates a Zend\Http\Client instance, implements HeaderAwareClientInterface, and returns a Response instance seeded from the zend-http response upon calling get(). The class exposes a getDecoratedClient() method to allow retrieval of the decorated zend-http client instance.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • #5 fixes the enclosure length check to allow zero and integer strings.
  • #2 ensures that the routine for "absolutising" a link in Reader\FeedSet always generates a URI with a scheme.
  • #14 makes the following changes to fix behavior around HTTP clients used within Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader:
    • setHttpClient() now ensures that the passed client is either a Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\ClientInterface or Zend\Http\Client, raising an InvalidArgumentException if neither. If a Zend\Http\Client is passed, it is passed to the constructor of Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\ZendHttpClientDecorator, and the decorator instance is used.
    • getHttpClient() now always returns a Zend\Feed\Reader\Http\ClientInterface instance. If no instance is currently registered, it lazy loads a ZendHttpClientDecorator instance.
    • import() was updated to consume a ClientInterface instance; when caches are in play, it checks the client against HeaderAwareClientInterface to determine if it can check for HTTP caching headers, and, if so, to retrieve them.
    • findFeedLinks() was updated to consume a ClientInterface.