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PsySH is a runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP. Learn more at psysh.org. Check out the Interactive Debugging in PHP talk from OSCON on Presentate.


Download the psysh phar to install:

wget https://git.io/psysh
chmod +x psysh

It's even awesomer if you put it somewhere in your system path (like /usr/local/bin or ~/bin)!

Additional releases—including compatibility releases for PHP 5.3, and for PHP without readline or intl—are available on GitHub.

PsySH is available via Composer, so you can use it in your project as well:

composer require psy/psysh:@stable

Or you can use by checking out the the repository directly:

git clone https://github.com/bobthecow/psysh.git
cd psysh

PsySH configuration

While PsySH strives to detect the right settings automatically, you might want to configure it yourself. Just add a file to ~/.config/psysh/config.php (or C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\PsySH\config.php on Windows):


return array(
    // In PHP 5.4+, PsySH will default to your `cli.pager` ini setting. If this
    // is not set, it falls back to `less`. It is recommended that you set up
    // `cli.pager` in your `php.ini` with your preferred output pager.
    // If you are running PHP 5.3, or if you want to use a different pager only
    // for Psy shell sessions, you can override it here.
    'pager' => 'more',

    // Sets the maximum number of entries the history can contain.
    // If set to zero, the history size is unlimited.
    'historySize' => 0,

    // If set to true, the history will not keep duplicate entries.
    // Newest entries override oldest.
    // This is the equivalent of the HISTCONTROL=erasedups setting in bash.
    'eraseDuplicates' => false,

    // By default, PsySH will use a 'forking' execution loop if pcntl is
    // installed. This is by far the best way to use it, but you can override
    // the default by explicitly enabling or disabling this functionality here.
    'usePcntl' => false,

    // PsySH uses readline if you have it installed, because interactive input
    // is pretty awful without it. But you can explicitly disable it if you hate
    // yourself or something.
    'useReadline' => false,

    // PsySH automatically inserts semicolons at the end of input if a statement
    // is missing one. To disable this, set `requireSemicolons` to true.
    'requireSemicolons' => true,

    // PsySH uses a couple of UTF-8 characters in its own output. These can be
    // disabled, mostly to work around code page issues. Because Windows.
    // Note that this does not disable Unicode output in general, it just makes
    // it so PsySH won't output any itself.
    'useUnicode' => false,

    // While PsySH respects the current `error_reporting` level, and doesn't throw
    // exceptions for all errors, it does log all errors regardless of level. Set
    // `errorLoggingLevel` to 0 to prevent logging non-thrown errors. Set it to any
    // valid `error_reporting` value to log only errors which match that level.
    'errorLoggingLevel' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE,

    // "Default includes" will be included once at the beginning of every PsySH
    // session. This is a good place to add autoloaders for your favorite
    // libraries.
    'defaultIncludes' => array(
        __DIR__ . '/include/bootstrap.php',

    // While PsySH ships with a bunch of great commands, it's possible to add
    // your own for even more awesome. Any Psy command added here will be
    // available in your Psy shell sessions.
    'commands' => array(
        // The `parse` command is a command used in the development of PsySH.
        // Given a string of PHP code, it pretty-prints the
        // [PHP Parser](https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser) parse tree. It
        // prolly won't be super useful for most of you, but it's there if you
        // want to play :)
        new \Psy\Command\ParseCommand,

    // PsySH uses symfony/var-dumper's casters for presenting scalars, resources,
    // arrays and objects. You can enable additional casters, or write your own!
    // See http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/var_dumper/advanced.html#casters
    'casters' => array(
        'MyFooClass' => 'MyFooClassCaster::castMyFooObject',

    // You can disable tab completion if you want to. Not sure why you'd want to.
    'tabCompletion' => false,

    // You can write your own tab completion matchers, too! Here are some that enable
    // tab completion for MongoDB database and collection names:
    'tabCompletionMatchers' => array(
        new \Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher\MongoClientMatcher,
        new \Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher\MongoDatabaseMatcher,

    // If multiple versions of the same configuration or data file exist, PsySH will
    // use the file with highest precedence, and will silently ignore all others. With
    // this enabled, a warning will be emitted (but not an exception thrown) if multiple
    // configuration or data files are found.
    // This will default to true in a future release, but is false for now.
    'warnOnMultipleConfigs' => true,

    // By default, output contains colors if support for them is detected. To override:
    'colorMode' => \Psy\Configuration::COLOR_MODE_FORCED,   // force colors in output
    'colorMode' => \Psy\Configuration::COLOR_MODE_DISABLED, // disable colors in output

    // Frequency of update checks when starting an interactive shell session. Valid
    // options are 'always', 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly'. Default is 'weekly'.
    // To disable update checks entirely, set to 'never'.
    'updateCheck' => 'daily',

    // Display an additional startup message. Default is ''.
    // You can color and style the message thanks to the Symfony Console tags.
    // See https://symfony.com/doc/current/console/coloring.html for more details.
    'startupMessage' => sprintf('<info>%s</info>', shell_exec('uptime')),

Downloading the manual

The PsySH doc command is great for documenting source code, but you'll need a little something extra for PHP core documentation. Download one of the following PHP Manual files and drop it in ~/.local/share/psysh/, /usr/local/share/psysh/ or C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\PsySH\ on Windows:

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