Drupal investigation

.travis.yml 818B

  1. language: php
  2. sudo: false
  3. cache:
  4. directories:
  5. - $HOME/.composer/cache
  6. branches:
  7. except:
  8. - /^bugfix\/.*$/
  9. - /^feature\/.*$/
  10. - /^optimization\/.*$/
  11. matrix:
  12. include:
  13. - php: 5.3
  14. - php: 5.4
  15. - php: 5.5
  16. - php: 5.6
  17. env: DEPENDENCIES='low'
  18. - php: 5.6
  19. - php: 7.0
  20. - php: 7.1
  21. # Use the newer stack for HHVM as HHVM does not support Precise anymore since a long time and so Precise has an outdated version
  22. - php: hhvm
  23. sudo: required
  24. dist: trusty
  25. group: edge
  26. fast_finish: true
  27. install:
  28. - export COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=dev-master
  29. - if [ "$DEPENDENCIES" != "low" ]; then composer update; fi;
  30. - if [ "$DEPENDENCIES" == "low" ]; then composer update --prefer-lowest; fi;
  31. script:
  32. - vendor/bin/phpspec run -fpretty -v
  33. - vendor/bin/phpunit