Drupal investigation


Change Log


  • Allow multiple annotations with the same key. These are returned as a csv, or, alternately, can be accessed as an array via the new accessor.

2.4.4 - 27 Feb 2017

  • BUGFIX: Avoid rewriting the command cache unless something has changed.
  • BUGFIX: Ensure that the default value of options are correctly cached.

2.4.2 - 24 Feb 2017

  • Add SimpleCacheInterface as a documentation interface (not enforced).

2.4.1 - 20 Feb 2017

  • Support array options: multiple options on the commandline may be passed in to options array as an array of values.
  • Add php 7.1 to the test matrix.

2.4.0 - 3 Feb 2017

  • Automatically rebuild cached commandfile data when commandfile changes.
  • Provide path to command file in AnnotationData objects.
  • Bugfix: Add dynamic options when user runs '--help my:command' (previously, only 'help my:command' worked).
  • Bugfix: Include description of last parameter in help (was omitted if no options present)
  • Add Windows testing with Appveyor

2.3.0 - 19 Jan 2017

  • Add a command info cache to improve performance of applications with many commands
  • Bugfix: Allow trailing backslashes in namespaces in CommandFileDiscovery
  • Bugfix: Rename @topic to @topics

2.2.0 - 23 November 2016

  • Support custom events
  • Add xml and json output for replacement help command. Text / html format for replacement help command not available yet.

2.1.0 - 14 November 2016

  • Add support for output formatter wordwrapping
  • Fix version requirement for output-formatters in composer.json
  • Use output-formatters ~3
  • Move php_codesniffer back to require-dev (moved to require by mistake)

2.0.0 - 30 September 2016

  • Breaking Hooks with no command name now apply to all commands defined in the same class. This is a change of behavior from the 1.x branch, where hooks with no command name applied to a command with the same method name in a different class.
  • Breaking The interfaces ValidatorInterface, ProcessResultInterface and AlterResultInterface have been updated to be passed a CommandData object, which contains an Input and Output object, plus the AnnotationData.
  • Breaking The Symfony Command Event hook has been renamed to COMMAND_EVENT. There is a new COMMAND hook that behaves like the existing Drush command hook (i.e. the post-command event is called after the primary command method runs).
  • Add an accessor function AnnotatedCommandFactory::setIncludeAllPublicMethods() to control whether all public methods of a command class, or only those with a @command annotation will be treated as commands. Default remains to treat all public methods as commands. The parameters to AnnotatedCommandFactory::createCommandsFromClass() and AnnotatedCommandFactory::createCommandsFromClassInfo() still behave the same way, but are deprecated. If omitted, the value set by the accessor will be used.
  • @option and @usage annotations provided with @hook methods will be added to the help text of the command they hook. This should be done if a hook needs to add a new option, e.g. to control the behavior of the hook.
  • @option annotations can now be either @option type $name description, or just @option name description.
  • @hook option can be used to programatically add options to a command.
  • A CommandInfoAltererInterface can be added via AnnotatedCommandFactory::addCommandInfoAlterer(); it will be given the opportunity to adjust every CommandInfo object parsed from a command file prior to the creation of commands.
  • AnnotatedCommandFactory::setIncludeAllPublicMethods(false) may be used to require methods to be annotated with @commnad in order to be considered commands. This is in preference to the existing parameters of various command-creation methods of AnnotatedCommandFactory, which are now all deprecated in favor of this setter function.
  • If a --field option is given, it will also force the output format to 'string'.
  • Setter methods more consistently return $this.
  • Removed PassThroughArgsInput. This class was unnecessary.

1.4.0 - 13 September 2016

  • Add basic annotation hook capability, to allow hook functions to be attached to commands with arbitrary annotations.

1.3.0 - 8 September 2016

  • Add ComandFileDiscovery::setSearchDepth(). The search depth applies to each search location, unless there are no search locations, in which case it applies to the base directory.

1.2.0 - 2 August 2016

  • Support both the 2.x and 3.x versions of phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock.
  • Support php 5.4.
  • Bug Do not allow an @param docblock comment for the options to override the meaning of the options.

1.1.0 - 6 July 2016

  • Introduce AnnotatedCommandFactory::createSelectedCommandsFromClassInfo() method.

1.0.0 - 20 May 2016

  • First stable release.