# A Multi-Framework [Composer](http://getcomposer.org) Library Installer [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/composer/installers.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/composer/installers) This is for PHP package authors to require in their `composer.json`. It will install their package to the correct location based on the specified package type. The goal of `installers` is to be a simple package type to install path map. Users can also customize the install path per package and package authors can modify the package name upon installing. `installers` isn't intended on replacing all custom installers. If your package requires special installation handling then by all means, create a custom installer to handle it. **Natively Supported Frameworks**: The following frameworks natively work with Composer and will be installed to the default `vendor` directory. `composer/installers` is not needed to install packages with these frameworks: * Aura * Symfony2 * Yii * Yii2 **Current Supported Package Types**: > Stable types are marked as **bold**, this means that installation paths > for those type will not be changed. Any adjustment for those types would > require creation of brand new type that will cover required changes. | Framework | Types | --------- | ----- | Aimeos | `aimeos-extension` | Asgard | `asgard-module`
`asgard-theme` | Attogram | `attogram-module` | AGL | `agl-module` | Bonefish | `bonefish-package` | AnnotateCms | `annotatecms-module`
`annotatecms-service` | Bitrix | `bitrix-module` (deprecated)
`bitrix-component` (deprecated)
`bitrix-theme` (deprecated)

`bitrix-d7-template` | CakePHP 2+ | **`cakephp-plugin`** | Chef | `chef-cookbook`
`chef-role` | CCFramework | `ccframework-ship`
`ccframework-theme` | Cockpit | `cockpit-module` | CodeIgniter | `codeigniter-library`
`codeigniter-module` | concrete5 | `concrete5-block`
`concrete5-update` | Craft | `craft-plugin` | Croogo | `croogo-plugin`
`croogo-theme` | Decibel | `decibel-app` | DokuWiki | `dokuwiki-plugin`
`dokuwiki-template` | Dolibarr | `dolibarr-module` | Drupal | `drupal-core`

`drupal-drush` | Elgg | `elgg-plugin` | ExpressionEngine 3 | `ee3-addon`
`ee3-theme` | FuelPHP v1.x | `fuel-module`
`fuel-theme` | FuelPHP v2.x | `fuelphp-component` | Grav | `grav-plugin`
`grav-theme` | Hurad | `hurad-plugin`
`hurad-theme` | ImageCMS | `imagecms-template`
`imagecms-library` | Joomla | `joomla-component`
`joomla-library` | Kirby | **`kirby-plugin`**
`kirby-tag` | KodiCMS | `kodicms-plugin`
`kodicms-media` | Kohana | **`kohana-module`** | Laravel | `laravel-library` | Lithium | **`lithium-library`
`lithium-source`** | Magento | `magento-library`
`magento-theme` | Mako | `mako-package` | Mautic | `mautic-plugin`
`mautic-theme` | MODX Evo | `modxevo-snippet`
`modxevo-lib` | MediaWiki | `mediawiki-extension` | October | **`october-module`
`october-theme`** | OXID | `oxid-module`
`oxid-out` | MODULEWork | `modulework-module` | Moodle | `moodle-*` (Please [check source](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/composer/installers/master/src/Composer/Installers/MoodleInstaller.php) for all supported types) | Piwik | `piwik-plugin` | phpBB | `phpbb-extension`
`phpbb-language` | Pimcore | `pimcore-plugin` | Plentymarkets | `plentymarkets-plugin` | PPI | **`ppi-module`** | Puppet | `puppet-module` | RadPHP | `radphp-bundle` | REDAXO | `redaxo-addon` | ReIndex | **`reindex-plugin`**
**`reindex-theme`** | Roundcube | `roundcube-plugin` | shopware | `shopware-backend-plugin`
`shopware-frontend-theme` | SilverStripe | `silverstripe-module`
`silverstripe-theme` | SMF | `smf-module`
`smf-theme` | symfony1 | **`symfony1-plugin`** | Tusk | `tusk-task`
`tusk-asset` | TYPO3 Flow | `typo3-flow-package`
`typo3-flow-build` | TYPO3 CMS | `typo3-cms-extension` (Deprecated in this package, use the [TYPO3 CMS Installers](https://packagist.org/packages/typo3/cms-composer-installers) instead) | Vanilla | `vanilla-plugin`
`vanilla-theme` | Wolf CMS | `wolfcms-plugin` | WordPress | `wordpress-plugin`

`wordpress-muplugin` | YAWIK | `yawik-module` | Zend | `zend-library`
`zend-module` | Zikula | `zikula-module`
`zikula-theme` | Prestashop | `prestashop-module`
`prestashop-theme` | Phifty | `phifty-bundle`
`phifty-library` ## Example `composer.json` File This is an example for a CakePHP plugin. The only important parts to set in your composer.json file are `"type": "cakephp-plugin"` which describes what your package is and `"require": { "composer/installers": "~1.0" }` which tells composer to load the custom installers. ```json { "name": "you/ftp", "type": "cakephp-plugin", "require": { "composer/installers": "~1.0" } } ``` This would install your package to the `Plugin/Ftp/` folder of a CakePHP app when a user runs `php composer.phar install`. So submit your packages to [packagist.org](http://packagist.org)! ## Custom Install Paths If you are consuming a package that uses the `composer/installers` you can override the install path with the following extra in your `composer.json`: ```json { "extra": { "installer-paths": { "your/custom/path/{$name}/": ["shama/ftp", "vendor/package"] } } } ``` A package type can have a custom installation path with a `type:` prefix. ``` json { "extra": { "installer-paths": { "your/custom/path/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"] } } } ``` You can also have the same vendor packages with a custom installation path by using the `vendor:` prefix. ``` json { "extra": { "installer-paths": { "your/custom/path/{$name}/": ["vendor:my_organization"] } } } ``` These would use your custom path for each of the listed packages. The available variables to use in your paths are: `{$name}`, `{$vendor}`, `{$type}`. ## Custom Install Names If you're a package author and need your package to be named differently when installed consider using the `installer-name` extra. For example you have a package named `shama/cakephp-ftp` with the type `cakephp-plugin`. Installing with `composer/installers` would install to the path `Plugin/CakephpFtp`. Due to the strict naming conventions, you as a package author actually need the package to be named and installed to `Plugin/Ftp`. Using the following config within your **package** `composer.json` will allow this: ```json { "name": "shama/cakephp-ftp", "type": "cakephp-plugin", "extra": { "installer-name": "Ftp" } } ``` Please note the name entered into `installer-name` will be the final and will not be inflected. ## Contribute! * [Fork and clone](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo). * Run the command `php composer.phar install` to install the dependencies. This will also install the dev dependencies. See [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#install). * Use the command `phpunit` to run the tests. See [PHPUnit](http://phpunit.de). * Create a branch, commit, push and send us a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests). To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows the [Coding Standards](http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/contributing/code/standards.html) which we borrowed from Symfony. If you would like to help, please take a look at the list of [issues](https://github.com/composer/installers/issues). ### Should we allow dynamic package types or paths? No. What are they? The ability for a package author to determine where a package will be installed either through setting the path directly in their `composer.json` or through a dynamic package type: `"type": "framework-install-here"`. It has been proposed many times. Even implemented once early on and then removed. `installers` won't do this because it would allow a single package author to wipe out entire folders without the user's consent. That user would then come here to yell at us. Anyone still wanting this capability should consider requiring https://github.com/oomphinc/composer-installers-extender.