/** * @file * Drupal's states library. */ (function ($, Drupal) { 'use strict'; /** * The base States namespace. * * Having the local states variable allows us to use the States namespace * without having to always declare "Drupal.states". * * @namespace Drupal.states */ var states = Drupal.states = { /** * An array of functions that should be postponed. */ postponed: [] }; /** * Attaches the states. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches states behaviors. */ Drupal.behaviors.states = { attach: function (context, settings) { var $states = $(context).find('[data-drupal-states]'); var config; var state; var il = $states.length; for (var i = 0; i < il; i++) { config = JSON.parse($states[i].getAttribute('data-drupal-states')); for (state in config) { if (config.hasOwnProperty(state)) { new states.Dependent({ element: $($states[i]), state: states.State.sanitize(state), constraints: config[state] }); } } } // Execute all postponed functions now. while (states.postponed.length) { (states.postponed.shift())(); } } }; /** * Object representing an element that depends on other elements. * * @constructor Drupal.states.Dependent * * @param {object} args * Object with the following keys (all of which are required) * @param {jQuery} args.element * A jQuery object of the dependent element * @param {Drupal.states.State} args.state * A State object describing the state that is dependent * @param {object} args.constraints * An object with dependency specifications. Lists all elements that this * element depends on. It can be nested and can contain * arbitrary AND and OR clauses. */ states.Dependent = function (args) { $.extend(this, {values: {}, oldValue: null}, args); this.dependees = this.getDependees(); for (var selector in this.dependees) { if (this.dependees.hasOwnProperty(selector)) { this.initializeDependee(selector, this.dependees[selector]); } } }; /** * Comparison functions for comparing the value of an element with the * specification from the dependency settings. If the object type can't be * found in this list, the === operator is used by default. * * @name Drupal.states.Dependent.comparisons * * @prop {function} RegExp * @prop {function} Function * @prop {function} Number */ states.Dependent.comparisons = { RegExp: function (reference, value) { return reference.test(value); }, Function: function (reference, value) { // The "reference" variable is a comparison function. return reference(value); }, Number: function (reference, value) { // If "reference" is a number and "value" is a string, then cast // reference as a string before applying the strict comparison in // compare(). // Otherwise numeric keys in the form's #states array fail to match // string values returned from jQuery's val(). return (typeof value === 'string') ? compare(reference.toString(), value) : compare(reference, value); } }; states.Dependent.prototype = { /** * Initializes one of the elements this dependent depends on. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# * * @param {string} selector * The CSS selector describing the dependee. * @param {object} dependeeStates * The list of states that have to be monitored for tracking the * dependee's compliance status. */ initializeDependee: function (selector, dependeeStates) { var state; var self = this; function stateEventHandler(e) { self.update(e.data.selector, e.data.state, e.value); } // Cache for the states of this dependee. this.values[selector] = {}; for (var i in dependeeStates) { if (dependeeStates.hasOwnProperty(i)) { state = dependeeStates[i]; // Make sure we're not initializing this selector/state combination // twice. if ($.inArray(state, dependeeStates) === -1) { continue; } state = states.State.sanitize(state); // Initialize the value of this state. this.values[selector][state.name] = null; // Monitor state changes of the specified state for this dependee. $(selector).on('state:' + state, {selector: selector, state: state}, stateEventHandler); // Make sure the event we just bound ourselves to is actually fired. new states.Trigger({selector: selector, state: state}); } } }, /** * Compares a value with a reference value. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# * * @param {object} reference * The value used for reference. * @param {string} selector * CSS selector describing the dependee. * @param {Drupal.states.State} state * A State object describing the dependee's updated state. * * @return {bool} * true or false. */ compare: function (reference, selector, state) { var value = this.values[selector][state.name]; if (reference.constructor.name in states.Dependent.comparisons) { // Use a custom compare function for certain reference value types. return states.Dependent.comparisons[reference.constructor.name](reference, value); } else { // Do a plain comparison otherwise. return compare(reference, value); } }, /** * Update the value of a dependee's state. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# * * @param {string} selector * CSS selector describing the dependee. * @param {Drupal.states.state} state * A State object describing the dependee's updated state. * @param {string} value * The new value for the dependee's updated state. */ update: function (selector, state, value) { // Only act when the 'new' value is actually new. if (value !== this.values[selector][state.name]) { this.values[selector][state.name] = value; this.reevaluate(); } }, /** * Triggers change events in case a state changed. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# */ reevaluate: function () { // Check whether any constraint for this dependent state is satisfied. var value = this.verifyConstraints(this.constraints); // Only invoke a state change event when the value actually changed. if (value !== this.oldValue) { // Store the new value so that we can compare later whether the value // actually changed. this.oldValue = value; // Normalize the value to match the normalized state name. value = invert(value, this.state.invert); // By adding "trigger: true", we ensure that state changes don't go into // infinite loops. this.element.trigger({type: 'state:' + this.state, value: value, trigger: true}); } }, /** * Evaluates child constraints to determine if a constraint is satisfied. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# * * @param {object|Array} constraints * A constraint object or an array of constraints. * @param {string} selector * The selector for these constraints. If undefined, there isn't yet a * selector that these constraints apply to. In that case, the keys of the * object are interpreted as the selector if encountered. * * @return {bool} * true or false, depending on whether these constraints are satisfied. */ verifyConstraints: function (constraints, selector) { var result; if ($.isArray(constraints)) { // This constraint is an array (OR or XOR). var hasXor = $.inArray('xor', constraints) === -1; var len = constraints.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (constraints[i] !== 'xor') { var constraint = this.checkConstraints(constraints[i], selector, i); // Return if this is OR and we have a satisfied constraint or if // this is XOR and we have a second satisfied constraint. if (constraint && (hasXor || result)) { return hasXor; } result = result || constraint; } } } // Make sure we don't try to iterate over things other than objects. This // shouldn't normally occur, but in case the condition definition is // bogus, we don't want to end up with an infinite loop. else if ($.isPlainObject(constraints)) { // This constraint is an object (AND). for (var n in constraints) { if (constraints.hasOwnProperty(n)) { result = ternary(result, this.checkConstraints(constraints[n], selector, n)); // False and anything else will evaluate to false, so return when // any false condition is found. if (result === false) { return false; } } } } return result; }, /** * Checks whether the value matches the requirements for this constraint. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# * * @param {string|Array|object} value * Either the value of a state or an array/object of constraints. In the * latter case, resolving the constraint continues. * @param {string} [selector] * The selector for this constraint. If undefined, there isn't yet a * selector that this constraint applies to. In that case, the state key * is propagates to a selector and resolving continues. * @param {Drupal.states.State} [state] * The state to check for this constraint. If undefined, resolving * continues. If both selector and state aren't undefined and valid * non-numeric strings, a lookup for the actual value of that selector's * state is performed. This parameter is not a State object but a pristine * state string. * * @return {bool} * true or false, depending on whether this constraint is satisfied. */ checkConstraints: function (value, selector, state) { // Normalize the last parameter. If it's non-numeric, we treat it either // as a selector (in case there isn't one yet) or as a trigger/state. if (typeof state !== 'string' || (/[0-9]/).test(state[0])) { state = null; } else if (typeof selector === 'undefined') { // Propagate the state to the selector when there isn't one yet. selector = state; state = null; } if (state !== null) { // Constraints is the actual constraints of an element to check for. state = states.State.sanitize(state); return invert(this.compare(value, selector, state), state.invert); } else { // Resolve this constraint as an AND/OR operator. return this.verifyConstraints(value, selector); } }, /** * Gathers information about all required triggers. * * @memberof Drupal.states.Dependent# * * @return {object} * An object describing the required triggers. */ getDependees: function () { var cache = {}; // Swivel the lookup function so that we can record all available // selector- state combinations for initialization. var _compare = this.compare; this.compare = function (reference, selector, state) { (cache[selector] || (cache[selector] = [])).push(state.name); // Return nothing (=== undefined) so that the constraint loops are not // broken. }; // This call doesn't actually verify anything but uses the resolving // mechanism to go through the constraints array, trying to look up each // value. Since we swivelled the compare function, this comparison returns // undefined and lookup continues until the very end. Instead of lookup up // the value, we record that combination of selector and state so that we // can initialize all triggers. this.verifyConstraints(this.constraints); // Restore the original function. this.compare = _compare; return cache; } }; /** * @constructor Drupal.states.Trigger * * @param {object} args * Trigger arguments. */ states.Trigger = function (args) { $.extend(this, args); if (this.state in states.Trigger.states) { this.element = $(this.selector); // Only call the trigger initializer when it wasn't yet attached to this // element. Otherwise we'd end up with duplicate events. if (!this.element.data('trigger:' + this.state)) { this.initialize(); } } }; states.Trigger.prototype = { /** * @memberof Drupal.states.Trigger# */ initialize: function () { var trigger = states.Trigger.states[this.state]; if (typeof trigger === 'function') { // We have a custom trigger initialization function. trigger.call(window, this.element); } else { for (var event in trigger) { if (trigger.hasOwnProperty(event)) { this.defaultTrigger(event, trigger[event]); } } } // Mark this trigger as initialized for this element. this.element.data('trigger:' + this.state, true); }, /** * @memberof Drupal.states.Trigger# * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The event triggered. * @param {function} valueFn * The function to call. */ defaultTrigger: function (event, valueFn) { var oldValue = valueFn.call(this.element); // Attach the event callback. this.element.on(event, $.proxy(function (e) { var value = valueFn.call(this.element, e); // Only trigger the event if the value has actually changed. if (oldValue !== value) { this.element.trigger({type: 'state:' + this.state, value: value, oldValue: oldValue}); oldValue = value; } }, this)); states.postponed.push($.proxy(function () { // Trigger the event once for initialization purposes. this.element.trigger({type: 'state:' + this.state, value: oldValue, oldValue: null}); }, this)); } }; /** * This list of states contains functions that are used to monitor the state * of an element. Whenever an element depends on the state of another element, * one of these trigger functions is added to the dependee so that the * dependent element can be updated. * * @name Drupal.states.Trigger.states * * @prop empty * @prop checked * @prop value * @prop collapsed */ states.Trigger.states = { // 'empty' describes the state to be monitored. empty: { // 'keyup' is the (native DOM) event that we watch for. keyup: function () { // The function associated with that trigger returns the new value for // the state. return this.val() === ''; } }, checked: { change: function () { // prop() and attr() only takes the first element into account. To // support selectors matching multiple checkboxes, iterate over all and // return whether any is checked. var checked = false; this.each(function () { // Use prop() here as we want a boolean of the checkbox state. // @see http://api.jquery.com/prop/ checked = $(this).prop('checked'); // Break the each() loop if this is checked. return !checked; }); return checked; } }, // For radio buttons, only return the value if the radio button is selected. value: { keyup: function () { // Radio buttons share the same :input[name="key"] selector. if (this.length > 1) { // Initial checked value of radios is undefined, so we return false. return this.filter(':checked').val() || false; } return this.val(); }, change: function () { // Radio buttons share the same :input[name="key"] selector. if (this.length > 1) { // Initial checked value of radios is undefined, so we return false. return this.filter(':checked').val() || false; } return this.val(); } }, collapsed: { collapsed: function (e) { return (typeof e !== 'undefined' && 'value' in e) ? e.value : !this.is('[open]'); } } }; /** * A state object is used for describing the state and performing aliasing. * * @constructor Drupal.states.State * * @param {string} state * The name of the state. */ states.State = function (state) { /** * Original unresolved name. */ this.pristine = this.name = state; // Normalize the state name. var process = true; do { // Iteratively remove exclamation marks and invert the value. while (this.name.charAt(0) === '!') { this.name = this.name.substring(1); this.invert = !this.invert; } // Replace the state with its normalized name. if (this.name in states.State.aliases) { this.name = states.State.aliases[this.name]; } else { process = false; } } while (process); }; /** * Creates a new State object by sanitizing the passed value. * * @name Drupal.states.State.sanitize * * @param {string|Drupal.states.State} state * A state object or the name of a state. * * @return {Drupal.states.state} * A state object. */ states.State.sanitize = function (state) { if (state instanceof states.State) { return state; } else { return new states.State(state); } }; /** * This list of aliases is used to normalize states and associates negated * names with their respective inverse state. * * @name Drupal.states.State.aliases */ states.State.aliases = { enabled: '!disabled', invisible: '!visible', invalid: '!valid', untouched: '!touched', optional: '!required', filled: '!empty', unchecked: '!checked', irrelevant: '!relevant', expanded: '!collapsed', open: '!collapsed', closed: 'collapsed', readwrite: '!readonly' }; states.State.prototype = { /** * @memberof Drupal.states.State# */ invert: false, /** * Ensures that just using the state object returns the name. * * @memberof Drupal.states.State# * * @return {string} * The name of the state. */ toString: function () { return this.name; } }; /** * Global state change handlers. These are bound to "document" to cover all * elements whose state changes. Events sent to elements within the page * bubble up to these handlers. We use this system so that themes and modules * can override these state change handlers for particular parts of a page. */ var $document = $(document); $document.on('state:disabled', function (e) { // Only act when this change was triggered by a dependency and not by the // element monitoring itself. if (e.trigger) { $(e.target) .prop('disabled', e.value) .closest('.js-form-item, .js-form-submit, .js-form-wrapper').toggleClass('form-disabled', e.value) .find('select, input, textarea').prop('disabled', e.value); // Note: WebKit nightlies don't reflect that change correctly. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23789 } }); $document.on('state:required', function (e) { if (e.trigger) { if (e.value) { var label = 'label' + (e.target.id ? '[for=' + e.target.id + ']' : ''); var $label = $(e.target).attr({'required': 'required', 'aria-required': 'aria-required'}).closest('.js-form-item, .js-form-wrapper').find(label); // Avoids duplicate required markers on initialization. if (!$label.hasClass('js-form-required').length) { $label.addClass('js-form-required form-required'); } } else { $(e.target).removeAttr('required aria-required').closest('.js-form-item, .js-form-wrapper').find('label.js-form-required').removeClass('js-form-required form-required'); } } }); $document.on('state:visible', function (e) { if (e.trigger) { $(e.target).closest('.js-form-item, .js-form-submit, .js-form-wrapper').toggle(e.value); } }); $document.on('state:checked', function (e) { if (e.trigger) { $(e.target).prop('checked', e.value); } }); $document.on('state:collapsed', function (e) { if (e.trigger) { if ($(e.target).is('[open]') === e.value) { $(e.target).find('> summary').trigger('click'); } } }); /** * These are helper functions implementing addition "operators" and don't * implement any logic that is particular to states. */ /** * Bitwise AND with a third undefined state. * * @function Drupal.states~ternary * * @param {*} a * Value a. * @param {*} b * Value b * * @return {bool} * The result. */ function ternary(a, b) { if (typeof a === 'undefined') { return b; } else if (typeof b === 'undefined') { return a; } else { return a && b; } } /** * Inverts a (if it's not undefined) when invertState is true. * * @function Drupal.states~invert * * @param {*} a * The value to maybe invert. * @param {bool} invertState * Whether to invert state or not. * * @return {bool} * The result. */ function invert(a, invertState) { return (invertState && typeof a !== 'undefined') ? !a : a; } /** * Compares two values while ignoring undefined values. * * @function Drupal.states~compare * * @param {*} a * Value a. * @param {*} b * Value b. * * @return {bool} * The comparison result. */ function compare(a, b) { if (a === b) { return typeof a === 'undefined' ? a : true; } else { return typeof a === 'undefined' || typeof b === 'undefined'; } } })(jQuery, Drupal);