Drupal 8.3.1, 2017-04-19 ------------------------ - Fixed security issues. See SA-CORE-2017-002. Drupal 8.3.0, 2017-04-05 ------------------------ - Added modules: * Added the Workflows module (experimental) which abstracts transitions and states from Content Moderation into a separate component for reuse by other modules implementing non-publishing workflows. * Added the Layout Discovery module (experimental) which provides an API for modules or themes to register layouts. * Added the Field Layout module (experimental) which provides the ability for site builders to rearrange fields on content types, block types, etc. into new regions, for both the form and display, on the same forms provided by the normal field user interface. - Updated vendor libraries: * Updated to Twig 1.25. * Updated to jQuery 2.2.4. * Updated to CKEditor 4.6.2 (with new Moono-Lisa skin). * Updated Symfony components to 2.8.18. * Updated PHPUnit to 4.8.35. * Applied patch-level updates to the latest versions for all dependencies wherever possible. Minor updates applied for Symfony PSR-7 Bridge and Zend Stdlib, which Drupal does not depend on directly. - Browser support: * Advance notice: Internet Explore 9 and 10 will no longer supported from 8.4.x, scheduled for October 2017. Microsoft has now ended support for these browsers. Drupal will still support Internet Explorer 11 and its replacement, Edge. - Raised stability levels of experimental modules: * Updated the BigPipe module from beta to stable. * Updated the Migrate module from alpha to beta. * See https://www.drupal.org/core/experimental#versions for more information about the stability levels of experimental modules. - Improved authoring features: * Can now drag and drop images into image fields in Quick Edit mode. * Image fields are now limited to only accepting images, so that users on mobile clients are not offered a confusing and non-functional video upload option. * CKEditor now utilizes the AutoGrow plugin to better take advantage of larger screen sizes. - Improved site building and administration: * Redesigned status report. * Standardized display of Views overview page to more closely match that of other administrative overview pages. * Views filter order now matches the table column order below in Content and People overview pages. * The "Allowed HTML tags" input has been converted to a textarea, which significantly improves the usability of HTML filter configuration. * Removed the 'disabled' region from block administration. * Incoming paths are again case-insensitive for routing, similar to earlier major Drupal versions. - Content Moderation improvements (experimental): * Refactored to use new experimental Workflows module. * Now supports moderation of non-translatable entity types. * When reverting a moderated revision, the moderation state is now reverted too. * Added an API to create and enforce default workflow states and transitions. * Allow moderation of entity types without bundles, as long as they have revisions. * Publishes any entity type that implements EntityPublishedInterface, not just Nodes. - Migration improvements (experimental): * Drupal 7 core node translations are now migrated to Drupal 8. * Configuration translation support is added to migrations in general and implemented for Drupal 6 user profile fields. - Improved REST API and decoupled site features: * REST API now supports the registering of users. * Anonymous REST API performance increased by 60% by utilizing the internal page cache. * Improved the response bodies and status codes for requests with incorrect request headers or request bodies, in dozens of situations. * Massive overhaul of the test coverage. * 403 responses now return reason why access was denied. * Serialized values for Booleans and integers are now returned as the correct data type, rather than incorrectly typed as strings. - Improved performance/scalability: * Optimized class loader detection made more generic to support class loaders other than ApcClassLoader. * ViewsData and Token info cache now use the default cache bin to prevent APCu memory from being filled too quickly. * Improve statistics performance by adding a swappable backend. - Improved developer APIs: * Deprecated several routing services in favor of two more unified services. * Replaced the deprecated Symfony ExecutionContextInterface by subclassing from ConstraintValidator to prepare for an update to Symfony 3. * EntityPublishedInterface and EntityPublishedTrait have been added to give a generic publishing API, and are being used by Node and Comment entity types. * Added a collection label to EntityType. This is a plural uppercase label for a collection of entities - e.g. "Workflows". - Changed coding standards: * Officially adopted short array syntax and updated all of core accordingly. * PHP CodeSniffer and Drupal Coder have been added as composer dev requirements, so they can be installed automatically with `composer install --dev` rather than requiring separate installation. (Do not use `composer install --dev` for production sites.) * Most global constants in Drupal 8 have been deprecated in favor of class constants. As a best practice, use appropriate class constants rather than global constants. - Testing improvements: * Integrated PHPUnit verbose output in SimpleTest UI. * Improved backward compatibility with WebTestBase. * Improved backward compatibility between BrowserTestBase and WebTestBase. * Many old WebTestBase tests have been moved to BrowserTestBase. * Expanded automated test coverage for JavaScript. - Package management: * composer.json now uses the new official endpoint for modules and themes, packages.drupal.org. * Custom modules and themes can now be installed to correct locations using composer. * Added Package.json enabling new JavaScript language features. Drupal 8.2.0, 2016-10-05 ------------------------ - Updated the git repository configuration to not normalize line endings for files of unknown type. - Added vendor libraries: * Added Stack/Cors 1.0.0. - Updated vendor libraries: * Updated to jQuery 2.2.3. * Updated to Twig 1.24. * Updated to CKEditor 4.5.11. * Updated to Symfony Routing 1.4.0. * Updated to Stack/Builder 1.0.4. * Updated to Guzzle 6.2.1. - Added modules: * Added the Place Block module (experimental) to place a block on any page without having to navigate to the backend administration form. * Added the Settings Tray module (experimental) to edit the configuration of any block on the page. Its machine name in this release is "outside_in". * Added the Content Moderation module (experimental) to define and use workflow states such as Draft, Archived and Published. This functionality was previously provided by the contributed module Workbench Moderation. * Added the Datetime Range module (experimental) that provides a new field type with support for start and end dates. - Raised stability levels of experimental modules: * Updated the BigPipe module from alpha to beta. * See https://www.drupal.org/core/experimental#versions for more information about the stability levels of experimental modules. - Improved authoring features: * Relative URLs are automatically converted to absolute ones when content is output to an RSS feed. * Enabled revisions by default on new node types. * Added a redirect option to site-wide contact forms. * Whenever a new entity is created, a link to it is now provided in a status message, for easy access to it regardless of the form workflow. * Styled CKEditor dialogs to match Drupal dialogs. - Improved site administration experience: * Numerous improvements to user interface text. - Improved site building features: * Added the ability to remove a module's content entities prior to uninstallation. * Made it possible to select the comment view mode in the formatter form. * Fixed the Migrate module to skip over migration sources that require code from uninstalled modules. - Improved REST API and decoupled site features: * Added support for reading (GET) configuration entities as REST resources. * Added dedicated resources for user login, logout and registration. * Added support for selecting an authentication provider as part of the configuration of a REST Export Views Display. * Added a cors.config service parameter for enabling and configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). * Simplified REST configuration with per-resource configuration entities and less verbose configuration structure. (The previous, advanced configuration structure is also still supported.) * Improved the response messages and status codes for requests with missing or incorrect headers. * Improved responses to PATCH requests to entity resources to contain the updated entity in the response body. - Improved developer APIs: * Added support for specifying the field item delta as part of an entity query condition. This was possible in Drupal 7 via EntityFieldQuery::fieldDeltaCondition(), but missing from earlier versions of Drupal 8. - Improved performance/scalability: * In the internal page cache, 404 responses are now cached for a shorter time (1 hour by default), to consume less space. * Breadcrumbs are now cached by the parent of the path rather than the full path, for fewer cache entries and higher cache hit rates. - Changed coding standards: * Local variables and parameters can now use camelCase. * A blank line is now required after the = 5.0.15 or PostgreSQL >= 8.3. * Added query builders for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, and SELECT queries. * Support for primary/replica replication, transactions, multi-insert queries, and other features. * Added support for the SQLite database engine. * Default to InnoDB engine, rather than MyISAM, on MySQL when available. This offers increased scalability and data integrity. - Security: * Protected cron.php -- cron will only run if the proper key is provided. * Implemented a pluggable password system and much stronger password hashes that are compatible with the Portable PHP password hashing framework. * Rate limited login attempts to prevent brute-force password guessing, and improved the flood control API to allow variable time windows and identifiers for limiting user access to resources. * Transformed the "Update status" module into the "Update manager" which can securely install or update modules and themes via a web interface. - Usability: * Added contextual links (a.k.a. local tasks) to page elements, such as blocks, nodes, or comments, which allows to perform the most common tasks with a single click only. * Improved installer requirements check. * Improved support for integration of WYSIWYG editors. * Implemented drag-and-drop positioning for input format listings. * Implemented drag-and-drop positioning for language listing. * Implemented drag-and-drop positioning for poll options. * Provided descriptions and human-readable names for user permissions. * Removed comment controls for users. * Removed display order settings for comment module. Comment display order can now be customized using the Views module. * Removed the 'related terms' feature from taxonomy module since this can now be achieved with Field API. * Added additional features to the default installation profile, and implemented a "slimmed down" profile designed for developers. * Added a built-in, automated cron run feature, which is triggered by site visitors. * Added an administrator role which is assigned all permissions for installed modules automatically. * Image toolkits are now provided by modules (rather than requiring a manual file copy to the includes directory). * Added an edit tab to taxonomy term pages. * Redesigned password strength validator. * Redesigned the add content type screen. * Highlight duplicate URL aliases. * Renamed "input formats" to "text formats". * Moved text format permissions to the main permissions page. * Added configurable ability for users to cancel their own accounts. * Added "vertical tabs", a reusable interface component that features automatic summaries and increases usability. * Replaced fieldsets on node edit and add pages with vertical tabs. - Performance: * Improved performance on uncached page views by loading multiple core objects in a single database query. * Improved performance for logged-in users by reducing queries for path alias lookups. * Improved support for HTTP proxies (including reverse proxies), allowing anonymous page views to be served entirely from the proxy. - Documentation: * Hook API documentation now included in Drupal core. - News aggregator: * Added OPML import functionality for RSS feeds. * Optionally, RSS feeds may be configured to not automatically generate feed blocks. - Search: * Added support for language-aware searches. - Aggregator: * Introduced architecture that allows pluggable parsers and processors for syndicating RSS and Atom feeds. * Added options to suspend updating specific feeds and never discard feeds items. - Testing: * Added test framework and tests. - Improved time zone support: * Drupal now uses PHP's time zone database when rendering dates in local time. Site-wide and user-configured time zone offsets have been converted to time zone names; for example, Africa/Abidjan. * In some cases the upgrade and install scripts do not choose the preferred site default time zone. The automatically-selected time zone can be corrected at admin/config/regional/settings. * If your site is being upgraded from Drupal 6 and you do not have the contributed date or event modules installed, user time zone settings will fallback to the system time zone and will have to be reconfigured by each user. * User-configured time zones now serve as the default time zone for PHP date/time functions. - Filter system: * Revamped the filter API and text format storage. * Added support for default text formats to be assigned on a per-role basis. * Refactored the HTML corrector to take advantage of PHP 5 features. - User system: * Added clean API functions for creating, loading, updating, and deleting user roles and permissions. * Refactored the "access rules" component of user module: The user module now provides a simple interface for blocking single IP addresses. The previous functionality in the user module for restricting certain email addresses and usernames is now available as a contributed module. Further, IP address range blocking is no longer supported and should be implemented at the operating system level. * Removed per-user themes: Contributed modules with similar functionality are available. - OpenID: * Added support for Gmail and Google Apps for Domain identifiers. Users can now log in with their user@example.com identifier when example.com is powered by Google. * Made the OpenID module more pluggable. - Added code registry: * Using the registry, modules declare their includable files via their .info file, allowing Drupal to lazy-load classes and interfaces as needed. - Theme system: * Removed the Bluemarine, Chameleon and Pushbutton themes. These themes live on as contributed themes (https://www.drupal.org/project/bluemarine, https://www.drupal.org/project/chameleon and https://www.drupal.org/project/pushbutton). * Added Stark theme to make analyzing Drupal's default HTML and CSS easier. * Added Seven as the default administration theme. * Variable preprocessing of theme hooks prior to template rendering now goes through two phases: a 'preprocess' phase and a new 'process' phase. See http://api.drupal.org/api/function/theme/7 for details. * Theme hooks implemented as functions (rather than as templates) can now also have preprocess (and process) functions. See http://api.drupal.org/api/function/theme/7 for details. * Added Bartik as the default theme. - File handling: * Files are now first class Drupal objects with file_load(), file_save(), and file_validate() functions and corresponding hooks. * The file_move(), file_copy() and file_delete() functions now operate on file objects and invoke file hooks so that modules are notified and can respond to changes. * For the occasions when only basic file manipulation are needed--such as uploading a site logo--that don't require the overhead of databases and hooks, the current unmanaged copy, move and delete operations have been preserved but renamed to file_unmanaged_*(). * Rewrote file handling to use PHP stream wrappers to enable support for both public and private files and to support pluggable storage mechanisms and access to remote resources (for example, S3 storage or Flickr photos). * The mime_extension_mapping variable has been removed. Modules that need to alter the default MIME type extension mappings should implement hook_file_mimetype_mapping_alter(). * Added the hook_file_url_alter() hook, which makes it possible to serve files from a CDN. * Added a field specifically for uploading files, previously provided by the contributed module FileField. - Image handling: * Improved image handling, including better support for add-on image libraries. * Added API and interface for creating advanced image thumbnails. * Inclusion of additional effects such as rotate and desaturate. * Added a field specifically for uploading images, previously provided by the contributed module ImageField. - Added aliased multi-site support: * Added support for mapping domain names to sites directories. - Added RDF support: * Modules can declare RDF namespaces which are serialized in the tag for RDFa support. * Modules can specify how their data structure maps to RDF. * Added support for RDFa export of nodes, comments, terms, users, etc. and their fields. - Search engine optimization and web linking: * Added a rel="canonical" link on node and comment pages to prevent duplicate content indexing by search engines. * Added a default rel="shortlink" link on node and comment pages that advertises a short link as an alternative URL to third-party services. * Meta information is now alterable by all modules before rendering. - Field API: * Custom data fields may be attached to nodes, users, comments and taxonomy terms. * Node bodies and teasers are now Field API fields instead of being a hard-coded property of node objects. * In addition, any other object type may register with Field API and allow custom data fields to be attached to itself. * Provides most of the features of the former Content Construction Kit (CCK) module. * Taxonomy terms are now Field API fields that can be added to any fieldable object. - Installer: * Refactored the installer into an API that allows Drupal to be installed via a command line script. - Page organization * Made the help text area a full featured region with blocks. * Site mission is replaced with the highlighted content block region and separate RSS feed description settings. * The footer message setting was removed in favor of custom blocks. * Made the main page content a block which can be moved and ordered with other blocks in the same region. * Blocks can now return structured arrays for later rendering just like page callbacks. - Translation system * The translation system now supports message context (msgctxt). * Added support for translatable fields to Field API. - JavaScript changes * Upgraded the core JavaScript library to jQuery version 1.4.4. * Upgraded the jQuery Forms library to 2.52. * Added jQuery UI 1.8.7, which allows improvements to Drupal's user experience. - Better module version support * Modules now can specify which version of another module they depend on. - Removed modules from core * The following modules have been removed from core, because contributed modules with similar functionality are available: * Blog API module * Ping module * Throttle module - Improved node access control system. * All modules may now influence the access to a node at runtime, not just the module that defined a node. * Users may now be allowed to bypass node access restrictions without giving them complete access to the site. * Access control affects both published and unpublished nodes. * Numerous other improvements to the node access system. - Actions system * Simplified definitions of actions and triggers. * Removed dependency on the combination of hooks and operations. Triggers now directly map to module hooks. - Task handling * Added a queue API to process many or long-running tasks. * Added queue API support to cron API. * Added a locking framework to coordinate long-running operations across requests. Drupal 6.0, 2008-02-13 ---------------------- - New, faster and better menu system. - New watchdog as a hook functionality. * New hook_watchdog that can be implemented by any module to route log messages to various destinations. * Expands the severity levels from 3 (Error, Warning, Notice) to the 8 levels defined in RFC 3164. * The watchdog module is now called dblog, and is optional, but enabled by default in the default installation profile. * Extended the database log module so log messages can be filtered. * Added syslog module: useful for monitoring large Drupal installations. - Added optional email notifications when users are approved, blocked, or deleted. - Drupal works with error reporting set to E_ALL. - Added scripts/drupal.sh to execute Drupal code from the command line. Useful to use Drupal as a framework to build command-line tools. - Made signature support optional and made it possible to theme signatures. - Made it possible to filter the URL aliases on the URL alias administration screen. - Language system improvements: * Support for right to left languages. * Language detection based on parts of the URL. * Browser based language detection. * Made it possible to specify a node's language. * Support for translating posts on the site to different languages. * Language dependent path aliases. * Automatically import translations when adding a new language. * JavaScript interface translation. * Automatically import a module's translation upon enabling that module. - Moved "PHP input filter" to a standalone module so it can be deleted for security reasons. - Usability: * Improved handling of teasers in posts. * Added sticky table headers. * Check for clean URL support automatically with JavaScript. * Removed default/settings.php. Instead the installer will create it from default.settings.php. * Made it possible to configure your own date formats. * Remember anonymous comment posters. * Only allow modules and themes to be enabled that have explicitly been ported to the correct core API version. * Can now specify the minimum PHP version required for a module within the .info file. * Drupal core no longer requires CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES or LOCK TABLES database rights. * Dynamically check password strength and confirmation. * Refactored poll administration. * Implemented drag-and-drop positioning for blocks, menu items, taxonomy vocabularies and terms, forums, profile fields, and input format filters. - Theme system: * Added .info files to themes and made it easier to specify regions and features. * Added theme registry: modules can directly provide .tpl.php files for their themes without having to create theme_ functions. * Used the Garland theme for the installation and maintenance pages. * Added theme preprocess functions for themes that are templates. * Added support for themeable functions in JavaScript. - Refactored update.php to a generic batch API to be able to run time-consuming operations in multiple subsequent HTTP requests. - Installer: * Themed the installer with the Garland theme. * Added form to provide initial site information during installation. * Added ability to provide extra installation steps programmatically. * Made it possible to import interface translations during installation. - Added the HTML corrector filter: * Fixes faulty and chopped off HTML in postings. * Tags are now automatically closed at the end of the teaser. - Performance: * Made it easier to conditionally load .include files and split up many core modules. * Added a JavaScript aggregator. * Added block-level caching, improving performance for both authenticated and anonymous users. * Made Drupal work correctly when running behind a reverse proxy like Squid or Pound. - File handling improvements: * Entries in the files table are now keyed to a user instead of a node. * Added reusable validation functions to check for uploaded file sizes, extensions, and image resolution. * Added ability to create and remove temporary files during a cron job. - Forum improvements: * Any node type may now be posted in a forum. - Taxonomy improvements: * Descriptions for terms are now shown on taxonomy/term pages as well as RSS feeds. * Added versioning support to categories by associating them with node revisions. - Added support for OpenID. - Added support for triggering configurable actions. - Added the Update status module to automatically check for available updates and warn sites if they are missing security updates or newer versions. Sites deploying from CVS should use https://www.drupal.org/project/cvs_deploy. Advanced settings provided by https://www.drupal.org/project/update_advanced. - Upgraded the core JavaScript library to jQuery version 1.2.3. - Added a new Schema API, which provides built-in support for core and contributed modules to work with databases other than MySQL. - Removed drupal.module. The functionality lives on as the Site network contributed module (https://www.drupal.org/project/site_network). - Removed old system updates. Updates from Drupal versions prior to 5.x will require upgrading to 5.x before upgrading to 6.x. Drupal 5.7, 2008-01-28 ---------------------- - fixed the input format configuration page. - fixed a variety of small bugs. Drupal 5.6, 2008-01-10 ---------------------- - fixed a variety of small bugs. - fixed a security issue (Cross site request forgery), see SA-2008-005 - fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting, UTF8), see SA-2008-006 - fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting, register_globals), see SA-2008-007 Drupal 5.5, 2007-12-06 ---------------------- - fixed missing missing brackets in a query in the user module. - fixed taxonomy feed bug introduced by SA-2007-031 Drupal 5.4, 2007-12-05 ---------------------- - fixed a variety of small bugs. - fixed a security issue (SQL injection), see SA-2007-031 Drupal 5.3, 2007-10-17 ---------------------- - fixed a variety of small bugs. - fixed a security issue (HTTP response splitting), see SA-2007-024 - fixed a security issue (Arbitrary code execution via installer), see SA-2007-025 - fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting via uploads), see SA-2007-026 - fixed a security issue (User deletion cross site request forgery), see SA-2007-029 - fixed a security issue (API handling of unpublished comment), see SA-2007-030 Drupal 5.2, 2007-07-26 ---------------------- - changed hook_link() $teaser argument to match documentation. - fixed a variety of small bugs. - fixed a security issue (cross-site request forgery), see SA-2007-017 - fixed a security issue (cross-site scripting), see SA-2007-018 Drupal 5.1, 2007-01-29 ---------------------- - fixed security issue (code execution), see SA-2007-005 - fixed a variety of small bugs. Drupal 5.0, 2007-01-15 ---------------------- - Completely retooled the administration page * /Admin now contains an administration page which may be themed * Reorganised administration menu items by task and by module * Added a status report page with detailed PHP/MySQL/Drupal information - Added web-based installer which can: * Check installation and run-time requirements * Automatically generate the database configuration file * Install pre-made installation profiles or distributions * Import the database structure with automatic table prefixing * Be localized - Added new default Garland theme - Added color module to change some themes' color schemes - Included the jQuery JavaScript library 1.0.4 and converted all core JavaScript to use it - Introduced the ability to alter mail sent from system - Module system: * Added .info files for module meta-data * Added support for module dependencies * Improved module installation screen * Moved core modules to their own directories * Added support for module uninstalling - Added support for different cache backends - Added support for a generic "sites/all" directory. - Usability: * Added support for auto-complete forms (AJAX) to user profiles. * Made it possible to instantly assign roles to newly created user accounts. * Improved configurability of the contact forms. * Reorganized the settings pages. * Made it easy to investigate popular search terms. * Added a 'select all' checkbox and a range select feature to administration tables. * Simplified the 'break' tag to split teasers from body. * Use proper capitalization for titles, menu items and operations. - Integrated urlfilter.module into filter.module - Block system: * Extended the block visibility settings with a role specific setting. * Made it possible to customize all block titles. - Poll module: * Optionally allow people to inspect all votes. * Optionally allow people to cancel their vote. - Distributed authentication: * Added default server option. - Added default robots.txt to control crawlers. - Database API: * Added db_table_exists(). - Blogapi module: * 'Blogapi new' and 'blogapi edit' nodeapi operations. - User module: * Added hook_profile_alter(). * Email verification is made optional. * Added mass editing and filtering on admin/user/user. - PHP Template engine: * Add the ability to look for a series of suggested templates. * Look for page templates based upon the path. * Look for block templates based upon the region, module, and delta. - Content system: * Made it easier for node access modules to work well with each other. * Added configurable content types. * Changed node rendering to work with structured arrays. - Performance: * Improved session handling: reduces database overhead. * Improved access checking: reduces database overhead. * Made it possible to do memcached based session management. * Omit sidebars when serving a '404 - Page not found': saves CPU cycles and bandwidth. * Added an 'aggressive' caching policy. * Added a CSS aggregator and compressor (up to 40% faster page loads). - Removed the archive module. - Upgrade system: * Created space for update branches. - Form API: * Made it possible to programmatically submit forms. * Improved api for multistep forms. - Theme system: * Split up and removed drupal.css. * Added nested lists generation. * Added a self-clearing block class. Drupal 4.7.11, 2008-01-10 ------------------------- - fixed a security issue (Cross site request forgery), see SA-2008-005 - fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting, UTF8), see SA-2008-006 - fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting, register_globals), see SA-2008-007 Drupal 4.7.10, 2007-12-06 ------------------------- - fixed taxonomy feed bug introduced by SA-2007-031 Drupal 4.7.9, 2007-12-05 ------------------------ - fixed a security issue (SQL injection), see SA-2007-031 Drupal 4.7.8, 2007-10-17 ------------------------ - fixed a security issue (HTTP response splitting), see SA-2007-024 - fixed a security issue (Cross site scripting via uploads), see SA-2007-026 - fixed a security issue (API handling of unpublished comment), see SA-2007-030 Drupal 4.7.7, 2007-07-26 ------------------------ - fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2007-018 Drupal 4.7.6, 2007-01-29 ------------------------ - fixed security issue (code execution), see SA-2007-005 Drupal 4.7.5, 2007-01-05 ------------------------ - Fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2007-001 - Fixed security issue (DoS), see SA-2007-002 Drupal 4.7.4, 2006-10-18 ------------------------ - Fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-024 - Fixed security issue (CSRF), see SA-2006-025 - Fixed security issue (Form action attribute injection), see SA-2006-026 Drupal 4.7.3, 2006-08-02 ------------------------ - Fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-011 Drupal 4.7.2, 2006-06-01 ------------------------ - Fixed critical upload issue, see SA-2006-007 - Fixed taxonomy XSS issue, see SA-2006-008 - Fixed a variety of small bugs. Drupal 4.7.1, 2006-05-24 ------------------------ - Fixed critical SQL issue, see SA-2006-005 - Fixed a serious upgrade related bug. - Fixed a variety of small bugs. Drupal 4.7.0, 2006-05-01 ------------------------ - Added free tagging support. - Added a site-wide contact form. - Theme system: * Added the PHPTemplate theme engine and removed the Xtemplate engine. * Converted the bluemarine theme from XTemplate to PHPTemplate. * Converted the pushbutton theme from XTemplate to PHPTemplate. - Usability: * Reworked the 'request new password' functionality. * Reworked the node and comment edit forms. * Made it easy to add nodes to the navigation menu. * Added site 'offline for maintenance' feature. * Added support for auto-complete forms (AJAX). * Added support for collapsible page sections (JS). * Added support for resizable text fields (JS). * Improved file upload functionality (AJAX). * Reorganized some settings pages. * Added friendly database error screens. * Improved styling of update.php. - Refactored the forms API. * Made it possible to alter, extend or theme forms. - Comment system: * Added support for "mass comment operations" to ease repetitive tasks. * Comment moderation has been removed. - Node system: * Reworked the revision functionality. * Removed the bookmarklet code. Third-party modules can now handle This. - Upgrade system: * Allows contributed modules to plug into the upgrade system. - Profiles: * Added a block to display author information along with posts. * Added support for private profile fields. - Statistics module: * Added the ability to track page generation times. * Made it possible to block certain IPs/hostnames. - Block system: * Added support for theme-specific block regions. - Syndication: * Made the aggregator module parse Atom feeds. * Made the aggregator generate RSS feeds. * Added RSS feed settings. - XML-RPC: * Replaced the XML-RPC library by a better one. - Performance: * Added 'loose caching' option for high-traffic sites. * Improved performance of path aliasing. * Added the ability to track page generation times. - Internationalization: * Improved Unicode string handling API. * Added support for PHP's multibyte string module. - Added support for PHP5's 'mysqli' extension. - Search module: * Made indexer smarter and more robust. * Added advanced search operators (phrase, node type, etc.). * Added customizable result ranking. - PostgreSQL support: * Removed dependency on PL/pgSQL procedural language. - Menu system: * Added support for external URLs. - Queue module: * Removed from core. - HTTP handling: * Added support for a tolerant Base URL. * Output URIs relative to the root, without a base tag. Drupal 4.6.11, 2007-01-05 ------------------------- - Fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2007-001 - Fixed security issue (DoS), see SA-2007-002 Drupal 4.6.10, 2006-10-18 ------------------------- - Fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-024 - Fixed security issue (CSRF), see SA-2006-025 - Fixed security issue (Form action attribute injection), see SA-2006-026 Drupal 4.6.9, 2006-08-02 ------------------------ - Fixed security issue (XSS), see SA-2006-011 Drupal 4.6.8, 2006-06-01 ------------------------ - Fixed critical upload issue, see SA-2006-007 - Fixed taxonomy XSS issue, see SA-2006-008 Drupal 4.6.7, 2006-05-24 ------------------------ - Fixed critical SQL issue, see SA-2006-005 Drupal 4.6.6, 2006-03-13 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including 4 security vulnerabilities. Drupal 4.6.5, 2005-12-12 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified. Drupal 4.6.4, 2005-11-30 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including 3 security vulnerabilities. Drupal 4.6.3, 2005-08-15 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including a critical "arbitrary PHP code execution" bug. Drupal 4.6.2, 2005-06-29 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including two critical "arbitrary PHP code execution" bugs. Drupal 4.6.1, 2005-06-01 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including a critical input validation bug. Drupal 4.6.0, 2005-04-15 ------------------------ - PHP5 compliance - Search: * Added UTF-8 support to make it work with all languages. * Improved search indexing algorithm. * Improved search output. * Impose a throttle on indexing of large sites. * Added search block. - Syndication: * Made the ping module ping pingomatic.com which, in turn, will ping all the major ping services. * Made Drupal generate RSS 2.0 feeds. * Made RSS feeds extensible. * Added categories to RSS feeds. * Added enclosures to RSS feeds. - Flood control mechanism: * Added a mechanism to throttle certain operations. - Usability: * Refactored the block configuration pages. * Refactored the statistics pages. * Refactored the watchdog pages. * Refactored the throttle module configuration. * Refactored the access rules page. * Refactored the content administration page. * Introduced forum configuration pages. * Added a 'add child page' link to book pages. - Contact module: * Added a simple contact module that allows users to contact each other using email. - Multi-site configuration: * Made it possible to run multiple sites from a single code base. - Added an image API: enables better image handling. - Block system: * Extended the block visibility settings. - Theme system: * Added new theme functions. - Database backend: * The PEAR database backend is no longer supported. - Performance: * Improved performance of the forum topics block. * Improved performance of the tracker module. * Improved performance of the node pages. - Documentation: * Improved and extended PHPDoc/Doxygen comments. Drupal 4.5.8, 2006-03-13 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including 3 security vulnerabilities. Drupal 4.5.7, 2005-12-12 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified. Drupal 4.5.6, 2005-11-30 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including 3 security vulnerabilities. Drupal 4.5.5, 2005-08-15 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including a critical "arbitrary PHP code execution" bug. Drupal 4.5.4, 2005-06-29 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including two critical "arbitrary PHP code execution" bugs. Drupal 4.5.3, 2005-06-01 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including a critical input validation bug. Drupal 4.5.2, 2005-01-15 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs: a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been fixed. Drupal 4.5.1, 2004-12-01 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified. Drupal 4.5.0, 2004-10-18 ------------------------ - Navigation: * Made it possible to add, delete, rename and move menu items. * Introduced tabs and subtabs for local tasks. * Reorganized the navigation menus. - User management: * Added support for multiple roles per user. * Made it possible to add custom profile fields. * Made it possible to browse user profiles by field. - Node system: * Added support for node-level permissions. - Comment module: * Made it possible to leave contact information without having to register. - Upload module: * Added support for uploading documents (includes images). - Forum module: * Added support for sticky forum topics. * Made it possible to track forum topics. - Syndication: * Added support for RSS ping-notifications of http://technorati.com/. * Refactored the categorization of syndicated news items. * Added a URL alias for 'rss.xml'. * Improved date parsing. - Database backend: * Added support for multiple database connections. * The PostgreSQL backend does no longer require PEAR. - Theme system: * Changed all GIFs to PNGs. * Reorganised the handling of themes, template engines, templates and styles. * Unified and extended the available theme settings. * Added theme screenshots. - Blocks: * Added 'recent comments' block. * Added 'categories' block. - Blogger API: * Added support for auto-discovery of blogger API via RSD. - Performance: * Added support for sending gzip compressed pages. * Improved performance of the forum module. - Accessibility: * Improved the accessibility of the archive module's calendar. * Improved form handling and error reporting. * Added HTTP redirects to prevent submitting twice when refreshing right after a form submission. - Refactored 403 (forbidden) handling and added support for custom 403 pages. - Documentation: * Added PHPDoc/Doxygen comments. - Filter system: * Added support for using multiple input formats on the site * Expanded the embedded PHP-code feature so it can be used everywhere * Added support for role-dependent filtering, through input formats - UI translation: * Managing translations is now completely done through the administration interface * Added support for importing/exporting gettext .po files Drupal 4.4.3, 2005-06-01 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs, including a critical input validation bug. Drupal 4.4.2, 2004-07-04 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified. Drupal 4.4.1, 2004-05-01 ------------------------ - Fixed bugs: no critical bugs were identified. Drupal 4.4.0, 2004-04-01 ------------------------ - Added support for the MetaWeblog API and MovableType extensions. - Added a file API: enables better document management. - Improved the watchdog and search module to log search keys. - News aggregator: * Added support for conditional GET. * Added OPML feed subscription list. * Added support for , , , , and . - Comment module: * Made it possible to disable the "comment viewing controls". - Performance: * Improved module loading when serving cached pages. * Made it possible to automatically disable modules when under heavy load. * Made it possible to automatically disable blocks when under heavy load. * Improved performance and memory footprint of the locale module. - Theme system: * Made all theme functions start with 'theme_'. * Made all theme functions return their output. * Migrated away from using the BaseTheme class. * Added many new theme functions and refactored existing theme functions. * Added avatar support to 'Xtemplate'. * Replaced theme 'UnConeD' by 'Chameleon'. * Replaced theme 'Marvin' by 'Pushbutton'. - Usability: * Added breadcrumb navigation to all pages. * Made it possible to add context-sensitive help to all pages. * Replaced drop-down menus by radio buttons where appropriate. * Removed the 'magic_quotes_gpc = 0' requirement. * Added a 'book navigation' block. - Accessibility: * Made themes degrade gracefully in absence of CSS. * Grouped form elements using '
' and '' tags. * Added '