getAuthManager(); if (!$authManager instanceof DbManager) { throw new InvalidConfigException('You should configure "authManager" component to use database before executing this migration.'); } return $authManager; } /** * @return bool */ protected function isMSSQL() { return $this->db->driverName === 'mssql' || $this->db->driverName === 'sqlsrv' || $this->db->driverName === 'dblib'; } protected function isOracle() { return $this->db->driverName === 'oci'; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function safeUp() { $authManager = $this->getAuthManager(); $this->db = $authManager->db; $tableOptions = null; if ($this->db->driverName === 'mysql') { // $tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB'; } $this->createTable($authManager->ruleTable, [ 'name' => $this->string(64)->notNull(), 'data' => $this->binary(), 'created_at' => $this->integer(), 'updated_at' => $this->integer(), 'PRIMARY KEY ([[name]])', ], $tableOptions); $this->createTable($authManager->itemTable, [ 'name' => $this->string(64)->notNull(), 'type' => $this->smallInteger()->notNull(), 'description' => $this->text(), 'rule_name' => $this->string(64), 'data' => $this->binary(), 'created_at' => $this->integer(), 'updated_at' => $this->integer(), 'PRIMARY KEY ([[name]])', 'FOREIGN KEY ([[rule_name]]) REFERENCES ' . $authManager->ruleTable . ' ([[name]])'. $this->buildFkClause('ON DELETE SET NULL', 'ON UPDATE CASCADE') ], $tableOptions); $this->createIndex('idx-auth_item-type', $authManager->itemTable, 'type'); $this->createTable($authManager->itemChildTable, [ 'parent' => $this->string(64)->notNull(), 'child' => $this->string(64)->notNull(), 'PRIMARY KEY ([[parent]], [[child]])', 'FOREIGN KEY ([[parent]]) REFERENCES ' . $authManager->itemTable . ' ([[name]])'. $this->buildFkClause('ON DELETE CASCADE', 'ON UPDATE CASCADE'), 'FOREIGN KEY ([[child]]) REFERENCES ' . $authManager->itemTable . ' ([[name]])'. $this->buildFkClause('ON DELETE CASCADE', 'ON UPDATE CASCADE'), ], $tableOptions); $this->createTable($authManager->assignmentTable, [ 'item_name' => $this->string(64)->notNull(), 'user_id' => $this->string(64)->notNull(), 'created_at' => $this->integer(), 'PRIMARY KEY ([[item_name]], [[user_id]])', 'FOREIGN KEY ([[item_name]]) REFERENCES ' . $authManager->itemTable . ' ([[name]])' . $this->buildFkClause('ON DELETE CASCADE', 'ON UPDATE CASCADE'), ], $tableOptions); if ($this->isMSSQL()) { $this->execute("CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trigger_auth_item_child ON dbo.{$authManager->itemTable} INSTEAD OF DELETE, UPDATE AS DECLARE @old_name VARCHAR (64) = (SELECT name FROM deleted) DECLARE @new_name VARCHAR (64) = (SELECT name FROM inserted) BEGIN IF COLUMNS_UPDATED() > 0 BEGIN IF @old_name <> @new_name BEGIN ALTER TABLE {$authManager->itemChildTable} NOCHECK CONSTRAINT FK__auth_item__child; UPDATE {$authManager->itemChildTable} SET child = @new_name WHERE child = @old_name; END UPDATE {$authManager->itemTable} SET name = (SELECT name FROM inserted), type = (SELECT type FROM inserted), description = (SELECT description FROM inserted), rule_name = (SELECT rule_name FROM inserted), data = (SELECT data FROM inserted), created_at = (SELECT created_at FROM inserted), updated_at = (SELECT updated_at FROM inserted) WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM deleted) IF @old_name <> @new_name BEGIN ALTER TABLE {$authManager->itemChildTable} CHECK CONSTRAINT FK__auth_item__child; END END ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.{$authManager->itemChildTable} WHERE parent IN (SELECT name FROM deleted) OR child IN (SELECT name FROM deleted); DELETE FROM dbo.{$authManager->itemTable} WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM deleted); END END;"); } } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function safeDown() { $authManager = $this->getAuthManager(); $this->db = $authManager->db; if ($this->isMSSQL()) { $this->execute('DROP TRIGGER dbo.trigger_auth_item_child;'); } $this->dropTable($authManager->assignmentTable); $this->dropTable($authManager->itemChildTable); $this->dropTable($authManager->itemTable); $this->dropTable($authManager->ruleTable); } protected function buildFkClause($delete = '', $update = '') { if ($this->isMSSQL()) { return ''; } if ($this->isOracle()) { return ' ' . $delete; } return implode(' ', ['', $delete, $update]); } /* // Use up()/down() to run migration code without a transaction. public function up() { } public function down() { echo "m170719_192953_create_rbac_tables cannot be reverted.\n"; return false; } */ }